Surge protection – technology Phoenix Contact is a pioneer in the development of surge protective devices. Decades of experience and intensive fundamental research are the foundation for our technological expertise.

Lightning bolts over a city

Along with the development and production of surge protective devices, our experience when it comes to fundamental research also helps us develop monitoring systems for lightning events. Below you will find the basics of lightning and surge protection as well as information on our lightning monitoring system.

Our expertise

We rely on excellent expert knowledge throughout the entire production process.

Two men with surge protection products from Phoenix Contact
Man working on surge protection product development
Man using the surge protection configurator on a PC
Phoenix Contact employee in the surge protection test laboratory
Tool engineering, injection molding, and metal processing
Phoenix Contact surge protection production
Two men with surge protection products from Phoenix Contact

An understanding of physical relationships and solid electromechanical expertise in the field of surge protection for high-quality products.

Man working on surge protection product development

Optimum solutions for every application.

Man using the surge protection configurator on a PC

Easy-to-install products for easy handling.

Phoenix Contact employee in the surge protection test laboratory

Tested products for maximum safety.

Tool engineering, injection molding, and metal processing

Maximum precision in the product.

Phoenix Contact surge protection production

Maximum product quality with 100% final inspection.

An innovation example: Development of the spark gap
Development of the spark gap YouTube

An innovation example: Development of the spark gap

Spark gaps are the powerful components inside surge protective devices. They are able to safely discharge very high currents. Development ranged from open, free-blowing to encapsulated spark gaps. But there was still one problem. The high line follow current.

In 2015, Phoenix Contact brought the first spark gap onto the market that works so perfectly that no more line follow currents occur. This new spark gap is extremely powerful and, due to the fact that there is no line follow current, is also very durable.

Product animation: The new SEC family of surge protection products for power supplies
Surge protection with SEC YouTube

The spark gap as the power pack for the new lightning current arresters

The unique spark gap enables the development of compact and high-performance protective devices.

Your advantages:

  • Long service life of the protective devices and the electric installation thanks to a spark gap free line-follow current
  • Space-saving installation with the compact design
  • Easy replacement in the event of servicing with protective devices which all feature a pluggable design
  • Operators are kept informed of the status of the protective device at all times with the optical, mechanical status indicator
  • No mismatching of connectors with mechanical coding

Areas of application


Expert for surge protection with the FLT-SEC-HYBRID

Surge protection in large-scale main power distributions

Surge protection in large-scale main power distributions

Surge protection in the incoming supply is now standard. This is easily implemented in residential buildings, as the size of the backup fuse usually means that the SPD will not require additional fuse protection.
However, things are quite different in large-scale main power distributions. There are very few backup fuses smaller than 315 A – so a backup fuse is required for the SPD. This backup fuse costs space, money, and valuable cable length. However, space and costs are only a minor issue in this case. The cable length rapidly becomes critical. Find out here about the technical background and our solution.

 Photovoltaic system on a rooftop

Surge protection for photovoltaic systems

Surge protection for photovoltaic systems

In addition to a desire to protect the environment, a photovoltaic system is often installed with the express aim of becoming independent from the energy provider.
An investment in a photovoltaic system is expected to last at least 20 years. This is a long period of time where a lot can happen. Like all electrical devices, PV systems are also sensitive to overvoltages: components such as inverters, PV panels, battery storage systems, and cables can all suffer damage. Effective protection against overvoltages therefore increases the operational safety of the system and also provides security for the owner. On the relevant individual pages, we will show you that this protection is not complicated or costly.

Telecommunications mast against a city backdrop

High-availability infrastructure

Surge protection for high-availability infrastructure

Progressive digitalization is placing ever-growing demands on the availability of today’s systems and services. One example of this is the 5G cellular standard. The networked automation systems must be capable of continuous and error-free operation. A connection malfunction or breakdown can result in failures and high follow-up costs in the production process. The dangers in the event of a mains failure are even greater for future applications, e.g., networked vehicles and autonomous driving.

Hand holding logo with NFPA 79

Surge protection in accordance with NFPA 79

The NFPA 79 (Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery) specifies the use of surge protective devices (SPDs) in machines with safety circuits for the North American market.

The state where the machine will be operated determines which edition is valid. This means that various editions are valid throughout North America. It is therefore advisable to always take the latest edition into consideration.

Find out here which mandatory requirements from NFPA 79 are applicable for the use of SPDs.

Surge protection for residential buildings

Surge protection for residential buildings

Surge protection for residential buildings

When it comes to private residential buildings, surge protection likewise starts at the incoming supply. Depending on the ambient conditions, there are a few things you need to consider when choosing the appropriate protective devices. This section covers these points, and also provides some background information on selecting the appropriate protective devices for residential buildings.

Surge protection for industrial buildings

Surge protection for industrial buildings

Surge protection for industrial buildings

The choice of suitable surge protective devices for industrial plants differs from surge protection for residential buildings. Due to the higher voltages, different ambient conditions, and protection of data and signal lines, more powerful products are required. Here you will find a selection of surge protection solutions for industrial buildings along with further information.

Sine wave with puzzle parts of surge protection and power supply

The unbeatable team of PLT-SEC surge protection and the QUINT POWER power supply

Coordinated components for high system availability

A long service life and high availability are the foundation for industrial systems in production companies. Advancing digitalization and a steadily increasing level of automation are placing ever higher demands on every single component. In order to achieve meaningful protection and a long service life for the end devices, and thus to also be able to produce them cost-efficiently, well-coordinated components are crucial.

PLT-SEC surge protection and QUINT POWER power supplies are an unbeatable team. The components are ideally coordinated to each other, so they contribute to even higher system availability.

Figure with camera in front of a system

Surge protection for video surveillance systems

Surge protection for video surveillance systems

Whether in traffic control systems, access control, or the monitoring of sensitive plant areas, video surveillance systems have become indispensable. Learn how to protect your camera systems against damage caused by lightning and overvoltages here.

Pulse and high-current laboratory at Phoenix Contact

Pulse and high-current laboratory

Pulse and high-current laboratory

Powerful, qualified, and accredited
Covering 1,300 m² of space, Phoenix Contact operates a modern, high-performance, accredited laboratory which is specially designed for testing surge protective devices. Here, among other things, disruptive events can be simulated, such as those that occur in the event of lightning strikes, switching operations, or electrostatic discharge.