Germany builds blueprint for the All Electric Society

Building 60 in Blomberg brings sector coupling to life on an industrial scale.
Building 60 in Blomberg

Project goal

Construction of a smart commercial property using modern technology for sector coupling as well as sustainable solutions.


  • Tangible example of sector coupling
  • Cooling and heating network with heat pumps and ice storage tank
  • Industrial DC power grid
  • Variable room concepts


Investment amount

350 kWh

Battery storage systems

650 V

in the industrial DC power grid

With Building 60 at its Blomberg headquarters, Phoenix Contact demonstrates the bidirectional coupling of all energy flows. This concept creates electrical, thermal, and communication connections between all energy-generating and energy-consuming components. The investment thus serves as a blueprint and tangible proof of a realistic All Electric Society – a world in which electricity generated without carbon emissions is the primary form of energy.

Image for sustainability development goal number 09
Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Sector coupling for sustainable industry and infrastructure

Buildings offer much more than just a roof over your head

They show how it’s done. And provide inspiration as to how the energy revolution can be achieved with intelligent technology and integrated solutions. To this end, Building 60 uses, for example, an ice storage tank for its heating and cooling needs, plus a photovoltaic system with 2.5 MWp and pioneering storage solutions. Here, Phoenix Contact relies on battery storage systems and hydrogen. Another feature that is incorporated into the blueprint for sustainable buildings is the installation of a DC power grid in conjunction with bidirectional charging technology. E-cars then also become temporary energy storage facilities and supply the building. This is sustainable and smart at the same time. The ambitious project is valued at around €35 million and will serve as a blueprint for sector coupling when it is put into operation in 2023 during our anniversary year.

The Technology Center (Building 60) combines construction innovations in terms of energy efficiency and the reuse of building materials with forward-thinking industrial applications ranging from the generation to the use of renewable energies.

Dr. Chris Rosen - Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG, General Manager of Phoenix Contact Machine Building

Forms of energy flow together here

Specifically, the company is building a thermal network at the local level – using heat pumps and a 1,500 m³ ice storage tank. The aim here is to integrate and utilize all waste heat from all processes. Electrically, the first stage will involve the use of battery storage systems, two photovoltaic systems, and a partial DC power grid. Connected to this is charging infrastructure for e-mobility. The installation of a DC power grid for industrial use is a deliberate strategic decision, as this will play a crucial role in driving the energy revolution forward – e.g., due to the improved integration capability of renewable energy sources, battery storage systems, and e-mobility, which are all based on direct current. In addition, power dissipation can be reduced effectively – for example, by using energy from regenerative braking in electric vehicles. The plan is to expand this blueprint for the All Electric Society to include industrial solutions involving hydrogen and power-to-X.

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