CLIXTRAB Protective device for signal and data lines
The CLIXTRAB product family was designed to protect signal systems with particularly stringent safety technology requirements. It consists of Push-in terminal blocks and the corresponding surge protection plug. Thanks to integrated knife disconnection and standardized accessories, with CLIXTRAB you can carry out many measurement and test tasks on your systems and signal cables. CLIXTRAB protects sensitive signal box electronics without having an impermissible impact on the signal circuits. It fulfills the condition of being suitable for use in safety-relevant systems. With a high-performance protective circuit and integrated overload protection, CLIXTRAB ensures superior system availability. Overloads trigger a local display. Furthermore, a remote signaling set for status queries can be used to output error messages via a floating contact. CLIXTRAB satisfies international standards and directives, such as the Deutsche Bahn RIL 819.0808 railway directive.
Surge protective devices for energy supply
High infrastructure availability requires surge protective devices for signal and data lines, as well as protective devices for energy supply. When selecting the right surge protective device, a number of railway-specific factors must be taken into account. Different voltage levels and frequencies must be considered, since feed-in can come from the public grid and via traction current or the emergency power system. In addition, interference voltage caused by operating reverse currents must be properly accounted for.
Monitor and test lightning and surge protection
ImpulseCheck monitors the state of health of all protective devices
ImpulseCheck allows transient interference to be recorded precisely, making it possible to measure the state of health of protective devices. It uses sensors attached to the corresponding power or grounding cables. The sensors function indirectly, and are therefore impact-free, which is important for control command and signaling. This also allows installation after the fact without changing sensitive systems. The added sensors can be relocated at any time if necessary. Measured data are transmitted from ImpulseCheck to PROFICLOUD. In this way, users also have remote access for evaluating data.
Test device for surge protective devices
With precise diagnostic information, it is possible to detect whether a lightning protection module needs to be replaced at an early stage. With these devices, you ensure an improved system availability. And with CHECKMASTER, our mobile test device, you can test protective plugs without tools and without influencing the signal circuit as part of system maintenance. All the test results will be stored and can be easily sent to Office programs. This makes CHECKMASTER compliant with the requirements of railway infrastructure operators.