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With a global team and collaboration projects with industry partners, we develop intelligent solutions that enable the networking of components, system parts, and people with the environment and the water cycle.
Areas of action for intelligent water management
Discover our customer-specific ready-to-use solutions for water and wastewater treatment, based on an open system and open interfaces. Using new digital methods, we ensure secure access to all important data, such as water quality or energy consumption.
Our future-oriented automation, communication, and remote control concepts have already been successfully implemented in practice. The result is intelligently networked water management on all levels of the plant.
Wastewater treatment
Solutions for the automation of wastewater treatment plants
Around 80% of the wastewater created by the population is still discharged untreated into rivers and oceans. In addition to the impact on the ecosystem, operators of wastewater treatment plants face new challenges such as a fourth treatment stage and monitoring the water for the presence of micro-plastics.
Phoenix Contact provides functions and components that satisfy the stringent requirements of wastewater treatment, thereby ensuring that processes are carried out smoothly. Specially developed control cabinet and software solutions reduce energy consumption and ensure compliance with regulations.
With Phoenix Contact, you can rely on highly efficient and comprehensive technologies to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. With Smart Water systems, you are already equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow.
Drinking water supply
Solutions for the treatment and production of drinking water
A global drinking water supply network faces a wide range of challenges. In times of climate change, severe weather and droughts affect numerous regions of the world more severely than was the case in the past. Water quality that complies with the legal requirements and access to clean water cannot be taken for granted.
Phoenix Contact implements innovative drinking water projects and modernizes existing plants with intelligent automation systems. From water treatment and water distribution, to cloud-based process optimization, we ensure a reliable water supply.
Smart Water systems provide an opportunity for the long-term reduction of water shortages caused by climate events. This will not only benefit the environment, but also future generations.
IoT-based water technology
Solutions for the digitalization of the water cycle
It is not just water that flows in modern treatment plants; there is also a stream of large volumes of data. The challenge lies in presenting the digital information in a meaningful format and linking the resulting complexity of the various volumes of data together logically.
Internet of Things structures open up the opportunity for storing and processing information in an external computer network. A wide range of data, such as rainfall levels, can be incorporated as a basis for making decisions. A real-time overview can be obtained from anywhere, at any time, and on any device.
With our industry and technological experience, you can rely on Phoenix Contact to assist you as you navigate the demanding and growing Smart Water market. Benefit from IoT structures, the associated processing power, and services in order to create more transparent and resource-conserving processes and applications in future for the entire water cycle.