Energy monitoring: The basis for target-oriented energy management
Energy efficiency is a real economic success factor. After all, in today’s world, climate protection is a more global issue than ever before, and one that companies must actively address. Continuously recorded energy flows provide the basis for an efficient operational energy management system. The targeted recording of energy-related system parameters enables potential savings to be identified and measures to be derived for efficient energy management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001.
Your advantages
- Relevant data always available with reliable and continuous recording of measured variables
- Satisfy DIN EN ISO 50001 quickly and easily and benefit from government funding
- Production with a focus on protecting the environment – use the data to identify ways to save limited resources
- Process optimization through parallel recording of operating and machine data
- Save costs through intelligent management of energy consumption
The ISO 50001 energy management standard
Introducing a complex energy management system (EnMS) in accordance with ISO 50001 is part of the systematic approach to iterative improvement of energy-related performance via the PDCA cycle. PDCA stands for the individual phases of the iterative, systematic approach: Plan, Do, Check, and Act.
Comprehensive energy monitoring supports energy management teams in the check phase thanks to reliable and continuous recording of measured variables.
IoT-based energy management – the path to the future
IoT-based energy management combines the benefits of the Industrial Internet of Things, sophisticated measurement technology, and constantly evolving Smart Services.
IoT-capable measuring devices (smart devices) can be connected directly to a cloud platform via an Ethernet interface and the MQTT protocol via Plug and Play. Within the cloud environment, the measuring devices can be easily and quickly integrated into a new or existing system via the Device Management Service. From this point on, the selected measured values are automatically transferred and stored. Energy management managers have immediate access to the data via the Smart Service and can use it directly.
REST programming interface
The REST programming interface in field devices supports convenient data availability as a significant prerequisite for building end-to-end application structures. REST, or “REpresentional State Transfer”, is a communication architecture widely used in the IT environment. It is a user-friendly interface architecture that uses a widely known protocol of the Internet. Data transfer takes place with the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). By using HTTP, REST, and JSON in field devices, there is no need to build up specialized knowledge of industrial communication protocols or the associated implementation of register tables.
MID Measuring Instruments Directive
The MID directive sets out uniform, EU-wide rules for the sale and commissioning of measuring devices. The key requirements describe, among other things, requirements for the stability, repeatability, and identification of the devices. The MID is the uniform basis for billing purposes. The uniform standards take into consideration initial calibration in the manufacturing process, bringing to market, and initial commissioning. After that, the national laws on the calibration validity period and recalibration fees apply. MID electricity meters help with the billing of active consumption in private households, commerce, and light industry.