Person actuates emergency shower for the eyes

Emergency shower monitoring An additional bit of safety for the plant personnel

  • Increased occupational safety, thanks to precise alarm signals being sent to plant security and in-house paramedics when the emergency shower is activated
  • Guaranteed functionality, even after the most recent regular inspection tour, along with constant emergency shower monitoring
  • Easy verification of regular routine maintenance, thanks to automatic storage of maintenance reports
  • Targeted information distribution, e.g., operational status for the maintenance team and information for first responders and paramedics when the emergency shower is actuated
Emergency showers in industry

Are you sure the emergency showers are really still operational since the last regular inspection tour? Are the water temperature and water pressure OK? And are local klaxon horns and flashing alarms being detected promptly enough to help people?

International standards of occupational safety require regular maintenance of this safety device. Typically, this maintenance is still carried out by a service technician on site on a regular basis.

Central monitoring reduces the need for regular inspections and constantly ensures that the emergency showers also function immediately after the last regular inspection tour. In addition, the precisely-tailored monitoring system increases the safety of the plant personnel by additionally alerting the paramedics to the exact spot.

Transmission technologies We offer you a variety of transmission technologies for use with your emergency shower monitoring, tailored to your individual requirements.

Transmission technologies for use with your emergency shower monitoring
Use SMS relays to prevent failures
More on SMS relays
Radioline wireless system
Reliable use in industrial environments
More on Radioline
Radioline wireless system
I/O systems
The I/O systems from Phoenix Contact with IP20 and IP65/IP67 degrees of protection are suitable for all common bus systems and networks
More information on I/O systems
I/O systems
Industrial routers
Our robust industrial routers connect various networks via cable (LAN router and NAT router) or cellular communication (3G/UMTS/4G/LTE router) for the remote maintenance and protection of your local network.
More on industrial routers
Industrial routers

Scalable monitoring concept Technical solution options

Actuation of an emergency shower in industry by employees
Monitoring emergency showers in the control room
Web visualization of the status of eye showers and emergency showers
Actuation of an emergency shower in industry by employees

With automatic alerts, information can be distributed precisely. For example, the functional status can be transmitted for the maintenance team and first responders or paramedics can be specifically alerted via text message or e-mail, among other things.

More on SMS relays
Monitoring emergency showers in the control room

Benefit from clear test reports, because maintenance intervals are accurately recorded.

Actuation when testing the emergency shower is logged just like the necessary water pressure. But most importantly, when the emergency shower is triggered, an alarm text message can inform the company paramedic of the exact location of the shower. This makes it possible to guide first responders precisely to the right location via GPS data.

Web visualization of the status of eye showers and emergency showers

Keep a constant eye on the status of the eye showers and emergency showers via web visualization. Integration into existing emergency systems is also possible.

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