WML HF 3(13X10)R
Wire-wrap label
Wire-wrap label, Roll, white, unlabeled, can be labeled with: THERMOMARK E.300 (D)/600 (D), THERMOMARK ROLL 2.0, THERMOMARK ROLL, THERMOMARK ROLL X1, THERMOMARK ROLLMASTER 300/600, THERMOMARK X1.2, mounting type: adhesive, cable diameter range: 3 ... 3 mm, cable diameter: ≤ 3 mm, Number of individual labels: 5000, text field height: 9.5 mm, text field width: 12.7 mm
Product details
Compatible products
Your advantages
For indoor applications: high resistance to dirt and abrasion due to the protective laminate
Firmly defined positioning of labels thanks to the adhesive system
Broad diameter range with many different applications inside and outside the control cabinet
The protective foil is wound over the labeling and provides permanent protection against dirt and abrasion
The wrap-around labels do not create any additional volume, so the cable can also be pulled through cable ducts, for example
For cylindrical objects, single wires, and cables