Space-saving analog signal processing in non-intrinsically safe applications

MINI Analog Pro signal conditioner and measuring transducer in a control cabinet

In electrotechnical systems, electromagnetic or high-frequency disturbance variables can adversely affect the transmission of often sensitive measured value signals. This applies in particular to the weak signals delivered by the sensors. With our signal conditioners and measuring transducers, you can handle the entire interference-free signal transmission from the sensor level to the control level.


Refinery, panoramic view

Process value recording without malfunction

Particularly in process engineering systems, sensors and actuators provide a multitude of measured value signals that need to be transferred from the field to the process control level, sometimes via very long lines. Electromagnetic or high-frequency disturbance variables can adversely affect the transmission of often sensitive signals.
As a result, deviations arise that can have a significant impact on the entire measurement chain.
Especially in the modern world of process technology, more and more signals need to be processed safely and in a confined space. Space in the control cabinet is limited and most products available on the market are lacking when it comes to convenient handling.

Our solution

MINI Analog Pro signal conditioners with plug-in connection technology is plugged into a control cabinet

Highly compact MINI Analog Pro signal conditioners and measuring transducers Interference-free signal transmission and easy handling in confined spaces

Highly compact MINI Analog Pro signal conditioners and measuring transducers are a solution to space problems. The product family features easy installation and startup in a confined space and covers all tasks of interference-free signal transmission, from the sensor level to the control level.

Here you will find typical examples of signal conditioning with MINI Analog Pro.

Your advantages

  • Modern circuit technologies with a maximum deviation of up to 0.05%
  • Rapid readiness for use on site with products already preconfigured to your application before leaving the factory
  • Step-by-step commissioning or maintenance of the application using plug-in connection terminal blocks with disconnect function
  • Simple, uninterrupted multimeter current measurement via integrated service sockets
  • Configuration baseline via DIP switches as well as advanced configuration and monitoring via software or MINI Analog Pro app

Typical application examples

Flow monitoring and signaling using a 4-way signal conditioner

The freely adjustable 4-way signal conditioner with switching output enables you to set the parameters for your application according to your specific requirements. The transistor output is available as a threshold switch, for example for controlling signal devices. You can configure eight different switching behaviors.

Application example image: Flow monitoring and signaling using a 4-way signal conditioner

Flow monitoring using a 3-way signal conditioner

The 3-way signal conditioners with fixed values represent a price-optimized alternative in multi-channel standard applications.

Application example picture: Flow monitoring using a 3-way signal conditioner

Level monitoring using a repeater power supply

The repeater power supply supplies the transmitter located in the field and electrically isolates the input signal from the output signal. The device can be used in both isolator and repeater power supply operation.

The HART-transparent repeater power supplies also make it possible to configure and monitor the devices in the field via HART.

Application example image: Level monitoring using a repeater power supply

Level monitoring using a threshold value switch

With the frequency converter with limit value functionality you can acquire and monitor analog signals from 0 to 24 mA or from 0 to 12 V.
Frequency signals of between 0 and 11 kHz and PWM signals from 0 to 100% are possible on the output side. In addition, the output can also be operated as a switching output, which means that two switching thresholds can be set independently of one another.

Application example image: Level monitoring using a threshold value switch

Pressure monitoring using a passive isolator

Since the output-loop-powered measuring transducer is supplied via the current loop of an active analog input module, no additional auxiliary power is required. On the input side, you can connect analog signals from 2 to 40 mA or from 50 mV to 30 V.

Application example picture: Pressure monitoring using a passive isolator

Temperature measurement using a resistance thermometer with temperature transducer

The freely adjustable temperature transducer enables you to connect resistance thermometers and remote resistance-type sensors with 2-, 3-, and 4-conductor connection technology. The individual measured temperature values are converted into a linear and freely adjustable current or voltage signal.
It is possible to connect additional sensors (resistance thermometers, such as PTC/NTC) via a self-definable characteristic curve. This offers a high degree of flexibility.

Application example picture: Temperature measurement using a resistance thermometer with temperature transducer

Temperature measurement using a thermocouple with temperature transducer

The freely adjustable temperature transducer enables you to connect various thermocouples. The individual measured temperature values are converted into a linear and freely adjustable current or voltage signal.
It is possible to connect further sensors (mV signals) via a self-definable characteristic curve. This offers a high degree of flexibility.

Application example picture: Temperature measurement using a thermocouple with temperature transducer

Potentiometer measurement using a measuring transducer

The configurable potiposition transducer with automatic potentiometer detection is used to connect potentiometers from 0 ... 100 Ω to 0 ... 100 kΩ. The individual position values are converted into a linear and freely adjustable current or voltage signal.

Application example picture: Potentiometer measurement using a measuring transducer

Real-world examples

Waldshut pump-storage power station
Centrifugal separation and pasteurization
Wind farm at sea
Refinery pipeline
Basin of a sewage management system
Pharmaceutical process industry
Waldshut pump-storage power station

A typical example in the field of power generation is processing temperature sensor signals to monitor the turbine, generator, and shaft temperature in facilities such as reservoir hydroelectric power plants.
Accurate temperature measurement is essential for operating a hydroelectric plant. It protects the plant from premature wear, damage, and failure due to increased friction. This is detected through temperature.

Centrifugal separation and pasteurization

In machine building and systems manufacturing, the rotational speeds of motors, such as separators, are often monitored with tachometers.
A separator uses centrifugal force to separate substances into their constituent parts. Here, the rotational speed of the motor and the drum must be monitored.
MINI Analog Pro signal conditioners and measuring transducers convert the digital signal of the inductive sensors used for the application into an analog output signal and prepare it for the controller.

Wind farm at sea

Sensors that generate sensitive signals in the mV range are used in offshore wind power generation systems. Examples here include monitoring the rotor blades for stretching or icing.
The signals are acquired by MINI Analog Pro signal conditioner and measuring transducers, converted, and transferred into a digital communication protocol.

A classic example for shipbuilding is the temperature monitoring of engines.

Refinery pipeline

Measuring the temperature of oil in a pipeline is typical for these applications.
To do this, the temperature sensors are mounted directly on the pipeline. The sensor signal is acquired by our temperature transducers, converted accordingly, and transmitted to the PLC.

Basin of a sewage management system

In sewer system management, it is important to monitor basin capacities. This primarily involves using two-wire level sensors that are supplied by repeater power supplies. At the same time, the sensor signals are acquired by the repeater power supply, galvanically isolated, and transmitted with amplification to the control system.
Another example is the flow meter at the inlet pipes leading from the sewage system into the treatment plant. The acquisition is done via electromagnetic flow meters (EMFs), which are connected to the control system via UI signal conditioners and measuring transducers.
The HART signal is a common communication standard here.

Pharmaceutical process industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, all process data must be monitored continuously. These include, for example, pressure, temperature, flow, and speed. Valves and other actuators must also be controlled. Signal conditioners and measuring transducers isolate, convert, amplify, and filter the signals in a safe range, evaluate them, and control actuators.
One example is flow measurement and control in dosing systems.


Highly compact MINI Analog Pro signal conditioner and measuring transducer on a DIN rail with the measuring probe of a multimeter

Interference-free signal transmission and easy handling in confined spaces MINI Analog Pro highly compact signal conditioners and measuring transducers with plug-in connection technology

Space in the control cabinet plays a significant role in measurement and control technology. The space is often limited and most products available on the market are lacking when it comes to convenient handling.
The MINI Analog Pro series provides the users with highly compact high-end signal conditioners and measuring transducers, even for safety-related applications as well as for all signal types and directions. The sophisticated housing design simplifies installation and saves time during commissioning, even if there is only limited space available in the control cabinet.