ZBF 5,LGS:FORTL.ZAHLEN - Zack Marker strip, flat

Zack Marker strip, flat, Strip, white, labeled, printed horizontally: consecutive numbers 1 ... 10, 11 ... 20, etc. up to 491 ... 500, mounting type: latching, for terminal block width: 5 mm, Number of individual labels: 10, text field height: 5.15 mm, text field width: 5.15 mm

Detalii despre produs

Avantajele dumneavoastră

Labeling service: Phoenix Contact can custom-label all zack marker strip markers according to your requirements
Unlabeled marking strips can be custom-labeled with a plotter or by hand
Other pitches available on request
The ZBF zack marker strip system with flat marker groove is a marking solution for modular terminal blocks and electronics modules
The multi-section marking strips are easy to fit and can be easily separated if required