Tooling Resources

The right tool for every application.
Tooling Resources

Hand Tools

Handle Alternative for the Crimpfox Centrus line

Crimpfox TC - Instructional video

Crimpfox TC MP - Calibration video

Crimpfox 4 in 1

Crimpfox M

Crimpfox Duo 10 - Product demonstration

Crimpfox Duo 16S

Crimpfox Duo 16s capabilities
Crimpfox Duo 16s capabilities YouTube

Crimpfox Duo 16s capabilities

Crimping pliers handle alternatives
Crimping pliers handle alternatives YouTube

Crimping pliers handle alternatives

HEAVYCON 25pos Modular Insert Assembly Video
HEAVYCON 25pos Modular Insert Assembly Video YouTube

HEAVYCON 25pos Modular Insert Assembly Video


Wirefox D13 video

Wirefox 10, 16, 4, and 6SC

Wirefox D40

Wirefox-D CX

Battery-Powered Screwdriver Product Demonstration – SF-ASD 16


Unifox RT Contact and Removal Tools Instructional

Benchtop Cutters

DIN rail benchtop cutter
DIN rail benchtop cutter YouTube

DIN rail benchtop cutter

Wire duct bench top cutter
Wire duct bench top cutter YouTube

Wire duct bench top cutter

Automatic Tools

CF 3000 - Introduction video
CF 3000 - Introduction video YouTube

CF 3000 - Introduction

CF 3000 - Troubleshooting video
CF 3000 - Troubleshooting video YouTube

CF 3000 - Troubleshooting

CF 3000 - Die changing video
CF 3000 - Die changing video YouTube

CF 3000 - Die changing

CF 3000 - Overview

CF 3000 - Wire jamming troubleshooting video
CF 3000 - Wire jamming troubleshooting video YouTube

CF 3000 - Wire jamming troubleshooting

CF 500 - Overview

CF 1000 - Setup

CF 1000 - Die changing

CF 1000 - Troubleshooting

CF 1000

CF 1000 - Total Counter

CF 1000 - Too long length setting

CF 1000 - Bad crimp

CF 1000 - Too short length setting

CF 1000 - Fuse change

CF 1000 - Feeder bowl adjustment

CF 1000 - Tool kit change

Cutfox 10 instructional video
Cutfox 10 instructional video YouTube

Cutfox 10 instructional video

Cutfox 10

Cutfox 10 - Knife Change

Cutfox 10 - Setup Cable Roller

Cutsoft software
Cutsoft software YouTube

Cutsoft software with the CUTFOX 10

WF 1000


Demonstration on how to use ZAP pneumatic crimping pliers.

ZAP 100T - Handling

ZAP 40 - Handling

ZAP 25T - Handling

ZAP 25 - Handling