PLCnext Technology ranked “Best in Class” by PAC Innovation Radar
International market analysis and consulting firm PAC Innovation Radar has ranked Phoenix Contact’s open PLCnext Technology ecosystem as “Best in Class” with an overall score of 1.91 in the category “Open Digital Platforms for Machine-edge-centric Industrial IoT in Europe 2022”.
This result puts Phoenix Contact at the top of the ratings, where the average score was 2.51. The rating system for the study was based on a combination of the components “competence and market strength”. Entrants in the study were ranked as “Best in Class” (1.0 - 1.9), “Leading edge” (2.0 - 2.9), and “Emerging capability” (3.0 - 3.9). Entrants in the “Machine-edge-centric Industrial IoT platforms” category use container technology for simplified application deployment and real-time processing such as PLCs and IPCs. Phoenix Contact offers an open approach with the PLCnext Technology ecosystem, which allows cloud connections to be used to extend the edge platform for data storage and AI training, and enables connection to an app store. Users can choose from a range of different apps provided by ecosystem partners through the PLCnext store.