for career guidance at the comprehensive school, think of the park as a living classroom? “What is impressive is that everything is real and not an exhibition with a museum character. Architecturally, technologically, and educationally, a great success has been achieved here. I think that a visit would be useful for students from the ninth grade onwards, when topics such as renewable energies and climate change are covered in class. But you shouldn't plan on less than two hours, as there is too much to see. What I really like is that the All Electric Society Park also works without the name Phoenix Contact permanently present. So we are not attending any promotional events. Potential solutions for the world of tomorrow are already on show here. And this is where the tasks of schools and the societal responsibility of industry meet”. (lo) Legal notice Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG Corporate Communications Lutz Odewald (Editor-in-Chief) Telephone: +49 5235 3-42153 Email: Design and implementation: Corporate Communications, Graphic Design Photo credits: Cover image: © Betina Stüker © Shutterstock: 10 Andre Köller: 6 ff., 12 ff., 16 ff., 18 ff., 20 ff., 24 ff., 28 ff., 30 ff., 36 ff., 40 ff., 48 ff., 52 ff. Thomas Franz: 3, 20, 29, 31, 44, Lutz Odewald: 44ff. Copyright © 2024 Phoenix Contact All rights reserved. 52 Push, press, touch – everywhere, information wants to be “grasped” T he first stop for visitors is the central visitor pavilion. One of the highlights is on the first floor, where the touch-controlled giant touch screen creates an atmosphere straight from science fiction. Here you will find an overview of the park. Don’t be afraid to touch, because that is exactly how it is operated. Rotate, drag, zoom, click – this gives you a first and detailed insight into what is on show here. “Our target groups are widely spread, from individual visitors and families to school classes, students, media representatives, politicians, officials, and of course our customers. We have combined this enormous range of preliminary and detailed knowledge in our educational concept”. explains communication expert Sarah Pyritz. Guidance Sarah Pyritz knows exactly what she is enthusiastically talking about here. After all, she and her colleague Joel Stratemann (see page 44) have been fully involved in the innovative project from the very beginning. "Joel was responsible for the technical details, while I was responsible for the educational and marketing concept”.